

            Agenda Item 61

Subject:                    Petition for Debate - Save St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School from closure


Date of meeting:    14 December 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Anthony Soyinka

                                    Tel: 01273 291006



Ward(s) affected:   All






1.1      Under the Council’s Petition Scheme if a petition contains more than 1,250 signatures and is not petition requesting officer evidence, it will be debated by the Full Council.


1.2      The e-petition has resulted in triggering a debate at the council meeting, having exceeded the threshold with a total of 2878 signatures confirmed at the time of printing the report.




2.1      That the petition is noted and referred to the Children, Families & Schools Committee for consideration.




3.1      The Petition:


Brighton and Hove City Council are proposing to close down St Bartholomew’s C of E Primary School. This proposed decision is because of “falling” numbers in pupils in the area and earmarked for as soon as end of July 2024.

We cannot allow this to happen! 

St Bartholomew’s is safe, loving, caring and passionate school. The children are happy, enjoy learning and the staff are dedicated to deliver the very best start to all the young children who have passed through its doors. Each child is treated as an individual with respect and taught with their own strengths and qualities in mind. 

It is a school who are committed supporting pupils and families with additional needs. Closing it would deprive many of these children’s opportunities and it would have detrimental impact for many of our families who rely the support from school. 

Children have had their education and their lives disrupted enough due to the pandemic. We do not need to add even more unnecessary and cruel uncertainty. All the children need stability and security and to be able to access an education in the setting they are familiar with and feel settled in.   

Our children and communities have suffered enough. We do not need another possible block of flats being built in the area, all for their financial gain. 

Together, let’s save St Bartholomew’s! Help our children remain at school they love, with their friends.


4.      PROCEDURE:


4.1      The petition will be debated at the Council meeting in accordance with the agreed protocol:


(i)        The Lead petitioner will be invited by the Mayor to present the petition and will have up to 3 minutes in which to outline the petition and confirm the number of signatures;


(ii)       The Mayor will then open the matter up for debate by councillors for period of 15 minutes and will first call on the relevant Committee Chair to respond to the petition and move a proposed response. The Mayor will then call on those councillors who have indicated a desire to speak in the matter, before calling on the relevant Committee Chair to respond to the debate;


(iii)      An amendment to the recommendation in paragraph 2.1 of the report or to add additional recommendations should be submitted by 10.00am on the day before the meeting; otherwise it will be subject to the Mayor’s discretion as to being appropriate.  Any such amendment will need to be formally moved and seconded at the meeting;


(iv)      After the 15 minutes set aside for the debate, the Mayor will then formally put:


(v)       (a) Any amendments in the order in which they are moved, and

(b) The substantive recommendation(s) as amended (if amended).